Healthy Volunteer Research
Who is eligible: Healthy, right-handed, English-speaking adults between the ages of 65 - 85 with no history of neurological disorder
This study involves: Basic behavioral and neurological assessments before and after non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) during a maximum of 5 visits, each lasting approximately 1 hour
Compensation: Up to $150
Recruitment status: Recruiting now!
IRBMED HUM00250171Date of approval: 3/19/2024Clinical Trials Listing
Who is eligible: Healthy, right-handed, English-speaking adults between the ages of 18 and 50 years with no history of neurological disorder
This study involves: Non-invasive brain stimulation and basic neurophysiological assessments during a maximum of 3 visits, each lasting approximately 2 hours
Compensation: Up to $120
Recruitment status: Recruiting now!
IRBMED HUM00214807Date of approval: 04/21/2022
Who is eligible: Healthy, right-handed, English-speaking adults between the ages of 18 - 50 or 65 - 85 with no history of neurological disorder
This study involves: Basic motor skill assessments during a maximum of 2 visits over a period of 1 week
Compensation: Up to $60
Recruitment status: Recruiting now!
IRBMED HUM00203931Date of approval: 6/16/2022
Who is eligible: Healthy, right-handed, English-speaking adults between the ages of 18 and 50 years with no history of neurological disorder
This study involves: Basic neurological assessments during a maximum of 15 visits
Compensation: Up to $500
Recruitment status: Recruiting soon!
IRBMED HUM00257788Date of approval: 9/1/2024
Who is eligible: Healthy, right-handed, English-speaking adults between the ages of 18 and 50 years with no history of neurological disorder
This study involves: One visit lasting approximately 2 hours with non-invasive brain stimulation and basic neurophysiological assessments
Compensation: Up to $40
Recruitment status: Recruiting soon!
IRBMED HUM00216376Date of approval: 6/2/2022
Who is eligible: Healthy, right-handed, English-speaking adults between the ages of 18 and 50 years with no history of neurological disorder
This study involves: Non-invasive brain stimulation and basic neurophysiological testing, and neuroimaging during a maximum of 5 visits over a period of 3-4 weeks
Compensation: Up to $250
Recruitment status: Recruiting soon!
IRBMED HUM00155623Date of approval: 7/13/2022
Who is eligible: Healthy, right-handed, English-speaking adults between the ages of 18 and 50 years with no history of neurological disorder
This study involves: A 5-day non-invasive brain stimulation intervention and basic neurophsyiological testing, neuroimaging, and motor skill assessment during a maximum of 9 visits over a period of 4-6 weeks
Compensation: Up to $270
Recruitment status: Enrollment complete!
IRBMED HUM00186637Date of approval: 9/2/2021Clinical Trials Listing
Who is eligible: Healthy, right-handed, English-speaking adults of age 18-50 and 65-85 with no history of neurological disorder
This study involves: Non-invasive brain stimulation and basic neurophysiological assessments during 2 visits, each lasting approximately 4 hours
Compensation: ~$160
Recruitment status: Enrollment complete!
IRBMED HUM00196773Date of approval: 7/13/2022
Research Collaborations
Who is eligible: Healthy, right handed English-speaking adults between the ages of 18-35
This study involves: Neuroscience research using neuroimaging and non-invasive brain stimulation over a maximum of 10 separate visits
Compensation: $15/hour
Recruitment status: Recruiting now!
IRBMED HUM00172064Date of approval: November 2022